March 18, 2008


This Blog will be regularly updated with information about the Ab Coaster, including suggestions on how to use the equipment to maximize results and other news and updates from the Ab Coaster product development team. So check back again soon!

Taking Abdominal Training in a Whole New Direction
As you have probably seen on the TV commercial, the Ab Coaster is an innovative way to work your abs. Unlike traditional ab exercises, such as crunches and sit-ups, which work your abs from the “top down,” the Ab Coaster works your abs from the “bottom up,” targeting the hard-to-reach lower abs first.

Fitness professionals and athletes agree that the Ab Coaster is highly effective. When you watch the infomercial, keep an eye on U.S. Olympic champion gymnast Peter Vidmar as he explains why the Ab Coaster is so effective. Gymnasts have known for years that the secret to getting great abs is to work the abs from the bottom up. That’s why fitness professionals love the Ab Coaster. It is a new revolutionary way to effectively work your entire abdominal core in one smooth motion.

Fitness experts, athletes and professionals understand and appreciate the unique way that the Ab Coaster works the abs - from the bottom up, with a smooth lifting motion while limiting strain to your neck and back. That’s why the Ab Coaster has quickly become the new Gold Standard for abdominal training in health clubs and fitness centers around the world.

Visit this Blog often for more updates about the Ab Coaster!