May 8, 2008

Another Happy Ab Coaster Customer

The Ab Coaster is getting rave reviews from all corners of the fitness world, including the recent FIBO Global Innovation Award in Germany last month.

In addition to professional accolades, the Ab Coaster is also getting very positive responses from every-day home users as well. Here is a recent response from a customer who had to wait several weeks for their Ab Coaster unit to arrive:

I just wanted to let you know we received our Ab Coaster today! It was packaged well and assembled quickly! I tried a few reps just to see how it works. I have strong abs and the workout I got from just a few reps was amazing!!! I can see why you can't keep them in stock! My wife will be very happy to see it when she gets home! Super Product and well worth the wait!!! Thank you once again for all your help!!!

Tom and Candace D.


As the old saying goes, Good Things come to those who Wait! Thanks for the kind words Tom and Candace, and good luck with your new Ab Coaster Abs!